Me and my mate Alfie made a part-time job of chatting garbage round a kitchen island for most of our 30s and finally decided to get real. A couple of mics and pretentious leather armchairs later.
Enter the drop-IN sessions.

The podcast arm of dropthebeatonit, where we right the world’s wrongs for half an hour on an array of dazzling subjects, from relationships to life stages to fizzy water to regret.
It’s all here.

Our first few joints are below.
We go in on hardship, the rocky moments, how do we manage when really hard stuff comes at us, when things really go south. When life gives you lemons, said someone once, you paint that shit gold.
The love-hate relationship of our lives, we talk through all things football, what it gives and what it takes away. How we wish we could care less, and yet when Saturday comes we start all over again.
What makes something authentic. What makes someone authentic. Can someone be authentically inauthentic. What is authenticity. Does it matter. Is the world a stage. What the hell is going on.
We go in on the idea of progenies. New Kids on the Block. Is this an evolutionary staple. Or something we should rearrange the game4.
Why does anybody devise to do anything, to put content out, to make a mark, we turn the searchlight back on us, why make a podcast at all. Are we just suckaz for validation.
In my time I’ve delved deep into the algorithm. Gets weird out there. Do I have goods to report back on, am I any the wiser. I could recommend some decent cat videos.
Is bigfoot real or just some hairy overweight dude who wants to be alone. Where mystery lurks mysterious theories abound, we go in off the deep end.
Is our existence a To Do List we tick off en route to the grave, or more like a rodeo of abject chaos we hang onto for dear life.
The far too middle-aged conundrum of where to spend our lives is upon us. The endless nights of the Smoke or the unending peace of the Stix.
When is it okay to lie. When is the truth seriously uncool. Does anyone really care as long as they get to keep their feelings in check.
We hash out the pros and cons of the internet through the medium of an online platform called Quora. Is the web a plus or more like the root of all evil.
Friendship, the one facet of human connection that hopefully doesn’t bust our balls. Which is why we like it. But what can we ask of it. Do we even need it.
Alfie goes in and quizzes me hard on what living with depression for the last two decades has felt like.
Smiling at a stranger in the street, the spice of life or grounds for a restraining order. Or the risk we have to take to change the world, maaake it a better plaaace.
How did it get so late so soon. We discuss the tricky cul de sac of our 40th year and wonder if it’s actually a blessing in disguise.
An ode to the parentals, an analysis of their faults, a merciful olive branch to say thanks for making us after all. The gift of life can’t be all bad.
I get taken to the cleaners for my ardent belief in a girl that doesn’t exist. Everyone needs a short sharp hit of reality now and then. But how boring is that.
We delve into the murky waters of obsession. When is it fun, when is it vital, when does it get restraining-ordery. We think we have obsessions, but when do they have us.
Ghosting. Getting abjectly discarded by a member of the opposite sex by text message or lack thereof. We hash it out. Is it our problem, or a societal thing at large.
What is regret. A way of sugar-coating the past. Or a folorn way of thinking what if I’d done it differently. Hindsight is a weird one.
The ins and out of spending time alone, is it healthy, is it unnatural, is it impossible.