Quitting The Booze Never Looked This Good
Staying off the sauce is a whole lot easier than one might think
Staying off the sauce is a whole lot easier than one might think
The surprising effects of a 28 day break from the headlines
The acute uncoolness of being a clean freak
Why does beauty move us and what does being moved even mean
Not eating for seventy two hours is like the best drug on the planet
The craft beer revolution was the most important event of the 21st century
The internet is making psychopaths out of all of us
The country edges towards the peak as the world falls to its knees
One month into the pandemic the country comes to a standstill
The world begins to understand shit is about to get real
The week in March when whispers on the wind start to reach us from Italy
Never figured I was a bath man until I had a bath man
From the seat of a bike the city is a huge morphing beast that beckons to you
Invisible doors that appear in walls we cannot see to guide us through
A semblance of backstory to explain a clinical addiction to quadruple ristrettos
It can take a man three decades to realise he can't stop lying
100 miles through the Highlands will lodge itself in your mind for keeps
Going bald felt like the first sign of the Reaper rolling into town
The modern world with a Nokia 301 is a Wild West full of the unexpected
Half an hour at sunrise and unlocking doors to unchartered realms
The shiniest emeralds shining out like suns from the gutter of YouTube
When the video platform shackles you to its algorithms watch the hell out
A few crumbs of wisdom the last ten years of life left lying around