The Pale Blue Light
Artificial Incontinence gonna get you sucka
Artificial Incontinence gonna get you sucka
Why it's gotta be better than the alternative
What is this world without a smattering of self-belief
Why not leave flying to the birds
The ins and outs of time on your own
But one idiot might be
A harebrained time of year to go sober
Does he actually have a beard
A mid-life crisis walks into a bar
Some things on the new year and growing up
Out of the frying pan into the fun
A four day trip to a land time never knew existed
The DTBOI podcast has arrived
Some things on grief and beyond
In and out in five days was some sort of record
Who said you had to go anywhere to live the great ecstasies
When life gives you lemons you paint that shit gold
Quietening the mind in the age of anxiety
An existential quandary to end all quandaries
Something in the air and it's not winter
My cousin coming to stay brought home some truths
Woah we might be more connected than we think
This year is about focus on feeling as empty as possible
Going home for Christmas should come with a warning
Messi Maradona and a shot at immortality
The barman in the sky is sounding out his bell
The text that never came
Some point we all heading back to Pride Rock
To crash and burn is human, but not this hard
Twelve days that taught me how to cry, almost
You wake up one day and you're the only one left
How the Fab Four led me a merry dance back to the future
Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground
A day in the life when everything is quite alright
Sometimes the way to feel better is to make yourself feel worse
A six week slide off the edge of the earth
A month into a break and suddenly I'm Ricki Lake
A cycle up France before the leaves began to fall
A week on an Aeolian island was more tonic than I could handle
Meddling with the face-fuzz continuum came not without risk
A sweet and salty sub-zero history of first dates
What the hell Psychedelics reveal about the nature of reality
Introducing Bitesize the short-form arm of dropthebeatonit
Nothing like mid Feb to make one feel the opposite of loved
Can YouTube relationship coaches really nurse you through a breakup
Staying off the sauce is a whole lot easier than one might think
The surprising effects of a 28 day break from the headlines
The acute uncoolness of being a clean freak
Why does beauty move us and what does being moved even mean
Not eating for seventy two hours is like the best drug on the planet
The craft beer revolution was the most important event of the 21st century
The internet is making psychopaths out of all of us
The country edges towards the peak as the world falls to its knees
One month into the pandemic the country comes to a standstill
The world begins to understand shit is about to get real
The week in March when whispers on the wind start to reach us from Italy
Never figured I was a bath man until I had a bath man
From the seat of a bike the city is a huge morphing beast that beckons to you
Invisible doors that appear in walls we cannot see to guide us through
A semblance of backstory to explain a clinical addiction to quadruple ristrettos
It can take a man three decades to realise he can't stop lying
100 miles through the Highlands will lodge itself in your mind for keeps
Going bald felt like the first sign of the Reaper rolling into town
The modern world with a Nokia 301 is a Wild West full of the unexpected
Half an hour at sunrise and unlocking doors to unchartered realms
The shiniest emeralds shining out like suns from the gutter of YouTube
When the video platform shackles you to its algorithms watch the hell out
A few crumbs of wisdom the last ten years of life left lying around
Becoming a dad to a little girl must be completely terrifying
The mystery of the ancient Amazonian brew that pries open your mind
An unrequited SMS can lead direct to Dante's seventh circle
The beautiful game that gets you by the balls and makes your life a misery
The end of a long cold episode of feeling like dogshit
A ten day bike trip through France released some demons
Cycling through Bavaria one day a thought about the Great War clicked
Who knew you might have to start drinking to save yourself from sobriety
The bike is alive if you put your ear to the metal you will hear it whispering
All this cold water therapy stuff is getting completely out of hand
A middle finger raised to injustice and a victory for good vibes everywhere
Losing all bowel control in a quaint neighbourhood eatery is less fun that it sounds
The beautiful way the writer of Calvin and Hobbes drew his creation to a close
A story about time and change and holding a lighter up to our elders
The time a very strange thing happened on the top deck of a night bus
Can picking up your old man from Heathrow go more wrong than this
The heavy depressive episode that took its toll and taught me much at the same time
The most sweetly lazy day of the week can be a dagger in the heart
No man has ever got himself into muddier waters with the lensing of a lone photograph
We stoop and build 'em up again with worn-out tools
If someone had said iced coffee would come to mean this much to me I would've spat out my green tea
I'll take woods and streams for 400 please, Bob
My parents' wedding day was a case study in nobody knowing what the hell they're up to
The strange and illuminating lessons learned from working in an office
Getting your Ventolin out on a first date is a vibe killer
Cycling the rooftop of the world for days and days in the middle of winter
The Almond Milk Vortex sucked me in and spat me back out
A walloping life lesson from Matt Damon at the end of the sci-fi classic
Casting my mind back to primary school and the little guy I once was
Joining the social media titan from my Mac circa 2016 was a world of pain
Fear on the eve of the Tour Divide Mountain Bike Race
The day started like any other for my bro walking along a beach in Barbados
ET phone home ET leave phone alone
Some thoughts in memory of my uncle and the things he left behind
You want a light sprinkling of danger when you step out the house
A night in the Ibis Hotel London Docklands for no good reason whatsoever
My rents are growing older ungracefully and I don't know what to do
Cliffhanger was one of the standout films of any half decent childhood
The most famous commencement speech of all time
The idiosyncrasies of each human being that make them no-one else
Who would've thought a humble blogger could crack the code to time travel
The photo of my father in a yellow raincoat that became his most prized possession
The fastest way to know who people are is watching how they respond to you
Some day maybe I'll become the focus of a mad unrequited love affair
You don't forget the day nobody remembers your birthday
Some meandering thoughts on the declaration of the L-word
A third person excerpt on the peculiar by-product of going off alcohol
An ode to my favourite big bald boiled egg of a tv personality
The gauntlet you run with a stubborn refusal to adopt smartphone technology
A girl across a bar and your mind playing tricks on you
Everyday stuff to keep peace with my soul